Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Free Ride to Crazytown

That dog whisperer guy has inspired me to do something that has all my friends and family cringing.

Murphy is a sporting dog. Murphy likes to run. Murphy has lots of energy. Me? Not so much energy.

But I have a bike... So I ride my bike while Murphy runs his heart out. He loves it! Although we have some issues to iron out, it's working out pretty well.

More than one person has tensed up at the news that someone who has had as many fights with gravity as I have, should put herself in such a position. And even though he is running, Murphy would still like to chase cats that are running in a different direction than I am headed. Also, we tend to be a magnet for loose dogs. We encounter at least one per week. If I try to scare them away, Murphy thinks I am talking to him and reacts. Furthermore, we need to learn how to communicate when it is time to take a poop break. Did you know that a dog can poop while running 10 mph? Neither did I... Consider me schooled.

I have a plan for making the concerned rest a little easier. Seeing as I am in the middle of some major dental work as a result of a battle I lost with gravity many years ago, I want to be safe and protect myself (and my dog) while giving Murphy the vigorous exercise he desires. So I will...
1. Find my Bike helmet. I know it's gotta be around somewhere...
2. Buy one of these.
3. Ride on the sidewalk where it seems smart. I'm also riding through the park behind my house which has a path that is about 1/2 mile long.


Blogger Sarah said...

That is a great contraption!

Good luck with biking Murphy. Um, no, I guess he would have had to stop to go poo but apparently not.

5:19 AM  

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