Thursday, April 20, 2006

Bark Park Bonanza

Murphy and I have been bonding. We have some sort of activity that we do every day so that he can exercise his body and his mind. Most nights we go for a walk around the neighborhood. About twice a week, we head over to the closest dog park. At first, Murphy was not the least bit interested in playing with other dogs. He'd make the rounds of all the people standing around watching their own dogs play and see if he couldn't get them to pet him a little bit. Then he went through a phase where all he wanted to do was bark at the other dogs and try to intimidate them. Let me tell you -- that boy has got a serious-sounding bark. It didn't necessarily put any of the people at ease that he was being friendly with them. That bark sounded like pure aggression. So we laid off the park visits for awhile. Fast forward 4 months and we are back in action. I find that if I walk the perimeter of the park, he'll follow me. He stops to sniff the bushes and also pee on the bushes. Then he runs to catch up to me. And by lap 3 around the park, he is ready to meet some other dogs. He's still got that bark thing going on, but I am more convinced now that he just wants to play. The other dogs don't seem to feel threatened and so he is not threatened by them. Tonight Murphy met a puppy. He is so tired right now. He's snoring. Here's to an evening free of mischief.

Monday, April 10, 2006

It's a Cat-Mitzvah

Thirteen years ago today my little darlings mew'd their way into this world. Even though they have been considered Senior Cats for about 5 years now, they don't seem to act old. Maybe it's that little part of me that wants to believe they will be with me forever.

They have both expressed the desire to celebrate becoming teenagers in a very understated fashion. No big party, No Klezmer band, and absolutely no party hats or noise makers (Cat's generally don't like to wear stuff or be around skwawking toys and I know how they feel). Maybe we'll have a tuna flavored cake. Considering their names, perhaps we'll have some "Cherry Garcia". Happy Birthday guys!

Ben hanging on his favorite part of the couch

Jerry wants me to let him have the Teddy Bear, but I already promised it to someone else...