Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas in Fur-Land

Here in Fur-land, things are all fine and dandy. We've got a new Christmas tree and, maybe its a Christmas miracle -- I haven't caught any cats munching on it's fake needles. Murphy was kind enough to let me snap his picture in front of the tree, though he sort of has that look like a teenager getting ready to roll their eyes. We have a canine visitor staying with us for the holidays while Saint Pam
spends the holidays with her family back east.

Here is a photo of Lucy playing with my knitting project bag.

And... here is a picture of how we are all spending our Christmas eve chilling on the couch.
To me, it looks like Lucy is laughing at Murphy because he is all the way on the other side of the sectional and Murphy is giving her a dirty look for making fun of him. They both like to hang around the humans, but they don't pay much attention to each other.

Whatever your plans over the next few days, I hope they are filled with fun, health and happiness.